Saturday, 19 January 2013

Gig # 6: Leipzig. 18/1/13

This was a funny one- we arrived in Leipzig after our three hour drive convinced it was the capital of cool, and it might well be but sadly the area we were in was less than vibrant.

Prior to the show, we tried our best to get lost but failed. The area we were in lacked any specific landmarks apart from a plane on a roof, no really, see below. Remember when computer assistance on Oxford road got in trouble for putting a branded Morris minor on their roof? Well imagine that but with ten+ morris minors.

Don't get me wrong, the venue, Meins, was nice, and Francine, our host, was very welcoming. We ate and drank well, and our accommodation was top drawer, above a venue round the corner from ours.

However, for whatever reason, the show just didn't click. There was a crowd of around 50 people but smoking was allowed in the venue and in a separate room there seemed to be some sort of sports meeting which meddled with the silence of the primary room.

We played well but in reality it was a strange atmosphere, so one encore and comparatively meagre merch sales - though in the UK it would be a massive success, contributed to a seemingly early night.

Sadly for me and ol' Barnesy this meant a late night as our accommodation was above the hippest bar in the area. I successfully ordered beers in German, and we chatted until the small hours.

Before we played we found a hot dog bar and indulged in the sausage! It was good, but here's Barnesy's verdict:

"Great take on a classic hot dog set up, Cheap as chips as well. Great cheddar and tomato topping. Plus options of many more. Only problem - not big enough, Barnes needs more. 3.5/5'

So there you have it, I have to agree though, two were needed to fill the gap. Pic below.

Up early the next morning and onto Gottingen! But more about that tomorrow!

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